Order Contacts

By clicking the order here, you will be connected with our secure online contact lens provider (secure.yourlens.com).
If you are a new user, please create an account by clicking "New? Sign Up Here!", Enter your information, Submit, and start ordering today!

Please note if you are having comfort or clarity issues with your contact lenses please call our office prior to placing an online order. When ordering, please enter the brand and prescription information in the appropriate boxes, this information will be verified by our offices before finalizing your order.

All prices have been reduced to our lowest per box pricing, regardless of quantity purchased and 2 or more boxes of anything, ships free to your home!

Now Featuring Online Contact Lens Ordering - Order Here

If you have any complications, please contact the office by calling/texting at 615-883-9595 or emailing us at info@andersoneyecare.com during normal business hours.